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Saturday, October 11, 2014

6W FM Transmitter 88-108 MHz

6W FM Transmitter 88-108 MHz

Presented FM transmitter is built around low power PLL transmitter and amplifier that boosts its signal all the way up to 6 Watts. The signal is amplified by three RF stages of amplification. In the first and second stages of the transmitter one of the best driver transistors were used 2SC2053. You can use the other transistors but only up to 500mW of power. In the third stage 2SC1971 RF transistor was used to achieve 6W of power. For making any RF transmitter circuit at least two meters are necessary, one is frequency counter and the other is RF field strength meter for which the schematic is provided. 

L3 will is 4 turns,
L6 will is 12 turns
Heat Sink is required for C1971 (2SC2053 can be used).
Simple field strength meter circuit 

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